MDSN offers many programs to members and our communities. These include:
First Call – Whether you’ve just received a diagnosis through prenatal testing, or you’ve just given birth to a baby who has Down syndrome, or you’ve just moved to the area, MDSN’s First Call program is here to help you find other parents whose situations and/or locations are similar to yours, and to help you find the support and services you need. Our caring First Call Committee members are specially trained and can connect with you in whatever way you are most comfortable (email, phone, in-person).
Annual Conference – Each year in November, MDSN sponsors a conference for Parents, Siblings, Extended Family members, Educators, Professionals, and Self-Advocates. The conference offers a Keynote speaker and many workshops on best practices related to Down syndrome today.
Buddy Walk –
D.A.D.S. –
Mom’s Only Events –
Lending Library –
Down Syndrome Specialist Program